Last Updated on October 5, 2021
Do you frequently drive on rough terrain? If you do, then your vehicle might be stuck in some tricky part of an uneven road. Therefore, you should carry a recovery rope or a recovery strap with you. Now, you might wonder which the better option is.
Well, it all depends on the situation you are in. A recovery rope or a strap works quite efficiently and can get you out of a tough spot. Read on to understand which is more suitable for you.
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What Is the Difference Between Recovery Rope and Recovery Strap?
Most people think that there is no difference between a recovery rope and a recovery strap. But, while they might look the same, the difference lies in their working mechanisms, material, and even functionality.
The 3 main differences for recovery ropes vs. tow straps are discussed below.
Recovery Ropes Use Kinetic Energy Transfer while Recovery Straps Don’t
When you attach a recovery rope to a vehicle that is stuck, there is a transfer of kinetic energy. The kinetic energy of the vehicle that is used for recovery transfers to the vehicle that is stuck through the recovery rope. This does not happen with a recovery strap which has much less stretch.
When you attach a recovery strap, you will have to hook one side onto the recovery vehicle and the other side on the vehicle that is stuck.
Stretch: Recovery Straps vs. Recovery Ropes
Recovery straps are not very stretchable. They do expand when attached and used to pull out a vehicle from a ditch or any such place. But they are not as stretchable as a recovery rope. Recovery straps are more flexible. Usually, nylon fabric is used to make recovery straps, allowing them to stretch as much as required.
Recovery ropes are also commonly referred to as snatch ropes as they have more of a bungee like action to them.
Recovery Ropes Are Used for Pulling Out a Vehicle, But Recovery Straps Are Multi-Purpose
Once you connect a recovery rope to a vehicle that needs to be recovered and use it to pull the vehicle, that is where its function ends. However, a recovery strap can also function as a tow strap. So if you need to pull your vehicle for some distance, you can hook the recovery strap onto the vehicle that is stuck and then to the recovery vehicle to tow it.
Is Recovery Rope Better than Recovery Strap?
If your vehicle is stuck, you can use either a recovery rope or a recovery strap to pull it up on the road. Both will perform the same function. But, on rough terrain, you need to use something that is sturdy and can withstand force.
Now, a recovery strap will stretch a lot, and it is convenient to pull a car out of a ditch with it. So why is a recovery rope the better option? The answer to this is given in the following points.
Kinetic Energy Transfer
This is the biggest advantage of a recovery rope. Since the kinetic energy is being transferred, the vehicle that is being recovered can be pulled up with ease. There is no need for any extra force. The kinetic energy of the recovering vehicle is transferred to the stagnant vehicle. This causes the stuck vehicle to move with ease.
Fiber Lock Exterior Coating
Recovery ropes usually have a fiber lock coating on the exterior. This coating ensures that there is no dirt accumulation or mold build-up on the surface of the recovery rope. You can carry it with you for a long time, and you will not need to clean it frequently. This is a huge relief when you are on the road for a few days.
Shock Absorbent
Sometimes, there is minimal traction while trying to recover a vehicle that is stuck. In such situations, you will need to use more force. Recovery ropes perform well in such situations. Even if you have to jerk or pull with more force, the recovery rope will absorb most of the shock. This causes minimum to no wear and tear on both the recovering vehicle and the vehicle that is stuck.
Now from the points above, you might think that a recovery rope is the only thing you need. But, what if the recovering vehicle is too far away from the vehicle that is stuck? Then you might need to use a recovery strap.
A recovery strap will stretch more than 30% of its length. But be careful with the hooks. The hooks on a recovery strap might graze the bodies of the vehicle and chip some paint. However, if you can get recovery straps with end loops, there is no need to worry. The loops are padded and will do no damage.
Final Words
You can always keep a recovery rope and a strap in your kit. You can use whichever is more convenient, given the situation. Otherwise, check the roads and the possible ditches or places your car can get stuck. This will help you figure out whether a recovery rope or a strap will be the better option.
If you’ve liked this recovery rope vs recovery strap guide, then you might also like to read our guide on how to use a winch strap & the advantages of kinetic rope.
I’m Daniel Galbreath, founder of OffRoadersWorld.
I spend my spare time writing on this website, OffRoaders World. I share my thoughts and reviews on different types of gears, share tips sometimes. This website is specially created and regularly updated basically to help other folks like me when I started to solve the various problems they face, specially when they go off-roading.
“The kinetic energy of the vehicle that is used for recovery transfers to the vehicle that is stuck through the recovery rope. This does not happen with a recovery strap.”
This doesn’t make sense. The strap also transfers kinetic energy.
Appreciate your feedback. Recovery straps typically have less stretch and are used in less of a circumstance where you need that extra give in a recovery rope to achieve what you need. In my experience the straps work great when you have tension in them already for the pull, instead of when you need to get more of a ‘running’ start.